Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management

Data management plan

Guidance for creating a data management plan (DMP)

In the framework program for research and innovation in the European Union (EU) for the years 2014-2020 "Horizon 2020" a pilot for research data ("Open Research Data Pilot") has been initiated. Thus granted projects in initially seven areas of funding need to fullfill additional requirements and activities for disclosure of research data have to described within a data management plan (DMP) already during application.

Furthermore the German Research Foundation (DFG) demands for grant applications information on research data management as well. The DFG accepts proposals in German and English. Depending on the project program, also the Federal Ministry of Education und Research (BMBF) assumes a concept of dealing with the research data, its quality assurance and long-term storage. Here it is only possible to apply in German.

But also apart from third party funding, it is worth writing a data management plan at the beginning of a project, and to think about essential aspects like:

  • Which data will be produced (type, format)?
  • How large will be the data set probably?
  • How and where shall the data be stored during and after the project duration? How shall regular back ups be handled?
  • Is it planned to publish the data, and if yes, under which conditions?
  • Could legal or ethical problems occur in collecting, analyzing and publishing the data?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Who is responsible for all the processes of research data management?


Tools and aids for writing a data management plan

To make it easier for you to create a data management plan you can use the free tool DMPonline, developed bei the British Digital Curation Centre (DCC). That provides also a template for Horizon 2020.

The following present guide and the example DMP is based on DMPonline and compiles additional information. They are addressed first and foremost to all scientifically active members of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), who intend to submit project proposals for the Horizon 2020 program.

  • DFG Checklist (PDF, 29 KB) for Handling Research Data
  • Sample DMP for DFG grants (PDF, 103 KB or ODT, 11 KB)
  • German instructions (PDF, 461 KB) for creating a data management plan (DMP) in Horizon 2020 (also see English screencast on how to use DMPonline at the DMPonline website)
  • Example DMP for Horizon 2020 Version 3.0 (PDF, 105 KB or RTF, 100 KB) for an initial version of a data management plan in Horizon 2020
    Example plan for template version 3.0 from 26 July 2016


An overview over requirements of the European Union and other research funders can be found at requirements of funding organizations.

Please note existing discipline-specific policies.