Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Videoconferenceservice

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Videoconferenceservice | Video conferencing with BigBlueButton (BBB)

Video conferencing with BigBlueButton (BBB)

This information will be updated on a regular basis.


Version 2.7.1 deployed

Version 2.7.1 has been deployed and can be used now. You can find an overview of the new features here.

Firefox: Possible issues with Webcam and Screen Sharing

Firefox users currently could encounter issues while trying to share their webcam or screen. Black screens or crashes can occur. If you experience such problems, please consider switching to a Chrome based browser.


Please make sure to disconnect any VPN connection when using BigBlueButton. This way you are reducing bandwidth usage and increase audio and video quality.


Please take heed of the following instructions: Informationen für Teilnehmende und Veranstaltende


The following link leads to the main sign-in page of HU BigBlueButton The program runs on the servers of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, thus rules of the GDPR fully apply. Here you can create new BBB rooms, edit them and start Web Conferences. For more information, please refer to the manuals and services we are providing.


Main Site:


Getting Started

Please refer to our Getting Started Guide or the BigBlueButton Website for English documentation. There are also several third party websites with video Tutorials, like the one from Hubken Group, that can help you familiarize with BBB. You can also find a FAQ section on our side.


Guidance Service

For English speakers we provide help through guided training sessions. If you need one of these, please feel free to contact us via the link provided at the end of this site.


We are also offering trainings for barrier-reduced usage of BBB. Please contact us via if you are in need of such a session.



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Emails going to this address are being processed inside an electronic ticket system. Please take note of the data policy guidelines here: